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Informed Decision-Making for Agroforestry Systems in Africa through a Network of Living Labs

AfroGrow addresses Africa’s pressing challenges in climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and socio-economic development through sustainable agroforestry. By fostering collaboration, innovation, and capacity building, AfroGrow transforms agroforestry systems into resilient, multi-functional landscapes that enhance food security, mitigate climate change, and promote inclusive growth.

Through six Living Labs, AfroGrow facilitates participatory research and innovation, co-creating solutions tailored to diverse ecological and socio-economic contexts. These Living Lans drive knowledge exchange, technology transfer, and capacity building, empowering communities and stakeholders to adopt best practices in agroforestry management.

AfroGrow also develops regional suitability maps for plant species and animal breeds, conducts comprehensive impact assessments, and provides data-driven policy recommendations. Central to its approach is promoting gender equality and social inclusion, ensuring women and youth play pivotal roles in shaping resilient, sustainable agroforestry systems for the future.

Funding program Horizon Europe
GA No. 101182027
Duration 2025 - 2028
EC Funding € 5,998,801.25
Website afrogrow-project.eu
# Sectors , , , , , ,

Agroforestry Living Labs
for Sustainable African Growth

Living Labs

reframe.food, as the leader of WP6, aims to maximize the impact and uptake of AfroGrow’s results through the planning, creation, and implementation of dissemination, synergy, outreach, exploitation, and capacity-building activities. It will also develop a post-project sustainability plan. reframe.food is raising awareness about agroforestry systems and practices, promoting sustainable production that supports climate change mitigation and adaptation while preserving biodiversity across all participating societies.

Furthermore, reframe.food will develop a carbon farming business framework that serves as a roadmap to demonstrate the economic viability of carbon farming within agroforestry systems.

Additionally, reframe.food will create an effective Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) management strategy to ensure AfroGrow’s sustainability beyond its completion.