Connecting the dots to unlock the potential of European rural areas towards circular Bioeconomy.
Rapid technological changes have resulted in the emergence of a great number of novel high-end bio-based solutions that can address many challenges in the Bioeconomy sphere. However, significant investments in bio-based research and innovation in the EU have not been widely disseminated or successfully scaled, especially in rural areas. BioRural aims to bridge this gap by creating a pan-European Rural Bioeconomy Network under which related stakeholders will cooperate to promote the currently available small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas to increase the share of Bioeconomy, giving increased value in such remote areas. BioRural will particularly focus on assessing the existing situation of European rural Bioeconomy, capturing grassroots-level needs and ideas, promoting effective exchange of knowledge and information, and investigating the possible opportunities for regional development through the expansion of bio-based solutions integration in rural Europe.

Funding program | Horizon Europe | |
Call | HORIZON-CL6-2021-CIRCBIO-01 | |
GA No. | 101060166 | |
Duration | 2022-2025 | |
EC Funding | € 2.999.962,50 | |
Website | | |
# Sectors | circulareconomy, smartruralareas |
Accelerating circular bio-based solutions integration in European rural areas
- 1 European Rural Bioeconomy Network (ERBN)
- 4 regional Rural Bioeconomy Platforms (RBPs)
- 5 knowledge exchange workshops
- 42 national capacity building workshops
- 20 (at least) success stories applied in rural Bioeconomy
- 10 cross-border innovation collaborations
- 1 European Challenge to provide tailored support to selected innovative Bioeconomy ideas
- 5 business model blueprints (1 for each theme) addressing technological and social innovation
Our role in the project being the Leader of WP5 Dissemination/Communication activities, is responsible for the development of the Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan as well as the standardized communication material and the deployment of relevant actions for approaching the existing network of actors. Moreover, will develop 5 business model blueprints, 1 for each of the 5 themes selected by the project (food and agriculture, forestry and natural habitats, aquatic systems, bioenergy and biomaterials) and a sustainability plan for the project and it’s result (e.g. rural bioconomy network and BioRural toolkit).