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EU Blue Circular Bioeconomy

The overall vision of IMPRESS is to develop series of innovative actions to address key sustainability challenges associated with marine and freshwater sector from sea to shelf. These challenges include (i) valorisation of processing waste streams & (ii) utilisation and promotion of underutilised low trophic species (LTS). IMPRESS will tackle these broad challenges by meeting the following six specific objectives that collectively deliver co-benefits for environment, health, society and the blue economy. – IMPRESS will promote and influence consumer perceptions towards LTS by highlighting their positive nutrition, health, environmental footprints and enhance professional skills and competences.
-IMPRESS will develop innovative approaches to valorise side streams and processing waste for creation of eco-friendly zero waste value chains;
Develop and deliver diverse range of products to address nutrition, health, wellness and consumer choices; enabling and evaluating innovative processing approaches, including beyond state-of-the-art technologies across the value chain, creating novel value for food, feed, ingredients, biopolymers and bioactives production. Finally, co-design novel, circular value propositions to accelerate the operationalisation of transition pathways ahead of future challenges, e.g. Farm to Fork 2030 goals; empower stakeholders to transition from current practices to a more innovative production and processing of LTS, using dynamic tools/demonstrations and multi-actor knowledge exchange. The key innovative actions of IMPRESS includes (i) promotion and introduction of new LTS from fresh and marine waters; (ii) develop robust valorisation routes for side streams and waste; (iii) employ energy-efficient processing and fractionation techniques; (iv) deliver new products, value chains and services. Finally IMPRESS will demonstrate circular and sustainably interlinked value chains to maximize the value creation with a zero-waste approach.

Funding program Horizon Europe
Call HORIZON-CL6-2022-FARM2FORK-01-11
GA No. 101084437
Duration 2023-2027
EC Funding € 6.725.261,25
Website impress-he.eu

Innovative Approaches for Marine and Freshwater Based Ingredients to Develop Sustainable Foods and Value Chains

Pan American Survey

Aiming to connect stakeholders and bring new products closer to market reframe.food will lead the work to shape the value chains for successful marketing of new products.
In this context reframe.food will first be responsible for creating and implementing a strong communication, dissemination, and exploitation plan to effectively engage stakeholders and share project results, ensuring their long term use and/or re-use. reframe.food will also work closely will all partners to build a strong ecosystem and connect with relevant projects and initiatives and manage the IPR of project results. In additional reframe.food will develop circular feedback-driven business models and a go-to-market strategy for the project’s innovative food, feed, and sustainable packaging products.
reframe.food will also take part in the promotion of selected underutilised fish and aquaculture raw materials for consumption, by organising and participating in national, and international event as well as support for training and educational activities throughout the project.